For the semi-skimmed version, we reintroduced a smaller quantity of cream to obtain half as much fat as in whole milk.
Enjoy this tasty milk rich in calcium, good and healthy, produced with respect by farming families near you, committed and proud of their profession! For the semi-skimmed version, we reintroduced a smaller quantity of cream to obtain half as much fat as in whole milk. Semi-skimmed milk, however, retains as much protein, carbohydrates and calcium as its counterpart. It will be used to make lighter recipes or for daily use as an adult. Whether you opt for a glass of whole or semi-skimmed milk, your intake of protein, vitamins and minerals will be equal. Each bottle contains 1 liter.
It is a common sense initiative launched in 2022 by 160 Walloon farmers and breeders in the Botte du Hainaut, around Chimay . Organized as a cooperative for more than 40 years, they decided to offer their milk within a local economy dynamic and avoiding any unnecessary intermediaries. The specificity of the land in the Chimacian region, as well as its climate, give the meadows the status of a true green setting, completely suitable for cattle breeding. The cows that live there therefore produce excellent quality milk! The milk is collected daily from as many family farms as they are passionate about their livestock and their well-being, to then be distributed in our region.
Ingredients: UHT sterilized semi-skimmed milk (1.5% fat)
Store at room temperature, dry, away from heat and light. Close the packaging tightly after opening and store in the refrigerator (< 6°C).